E.T. - Katy Perry feat. Kanye West

You're so hypnotizing
could u be the devil, could you be an angel
your touch magnetizing
feels like going floating, leave my body glowing

They say be afraid
you're not like the others, futuristic lovers
different DNA, they dont understand u

You're from a whole other/another world
a different dimention
you open my eyes
and im ready to go, lead me into the light

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison
take me, t-t-take me
wanna be your victim, ready for abduction
boy, you're an alien, your touch so far away
its supernatural, extraterrestrial

You're so super sonic
wanna feel your powers, stumb me with your lasers
your kiss is cosmic, every move is magic

You're from a whole other/another world
a different dimension
you open my eyes
and im ready to go, lead me into the light

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison
take me, t-t-take me
wanna be your victim, ready for abduction
boy, you're an alien, your touch so far away
its supernatural, extraterrestrial

There is this transcendental, on another level
boy, you're my lucky star
i wanna walk on your wave length
and be there when you vibrate
for you i risk it all

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me
infect me with your love, and fill me with your poison
take me, t-t-take me
wanna be your victim, ready for abduction
boy, you're an alien, your touch so far away
its supernatural, extraterrestrial



Boy, you're an alien, your touch so far away
its supernatural, extraterrestrial

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Vanilla Twilight - Owl City

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light-blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia 

Chills me to the bone

But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone

As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here

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fashion fantasy!








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Hate to Miss Someone - Still Virgin ft. Cha

one night i stand i remind of you
our hope and dream
tears in my eyes
when you gone so fast
when i realized you know i can be perfect

i fall from you
you make me like i cant stand with you
you make me like i cant live with you
i cant hold your hand
so please dont let me down

i try to be a stronger
when i know everything over
everytime i feel
everday i think
i never see you once again

i know i cant be stronger
even i try to forget you
oh no i missing you
i need its you

so please dont make me feel like..

i keep you in my heart

i miss your smile i miss your face
i need you hear i need your hugs

in every night in everyday
like you want me to be

i miss your voice i miss your laugh
i need your hear i need your hug
in everynight in everyday

is you 

you know everything is you

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Something Right - Westlife

Never thought that I'd be so inspired
Never thought that I'd find the higher truth
I believed that love was overrated
'Till the moment I found you

Now baby I know I don't deserve
The love you give me
But now I understand that

If you want me I must be doing something right
I got nothing left to prove
And it's all because of you
So if you need me
And baby I make you feel alive
I know I must be doing
Doing something right

It's because of you I feel so lifted
I've been looking at my life from higher ground
Never thought that I'd be so elated
You're the one who turned it all around

Now baby, I didn't know myself
Until you changed me
And made me understand that

If you want me I must be doing something right
I got nothing left to prove
And it's all because of you
So if you need me
And baby I make you feel alive
I know I must be doing
Doing something right

And baby I know I don't deserve the love you give me
But I don't really care, cause

If you want me I must be doing something right
I got nothing left to prove
And it's all because of you
So if you need me
And baby I make you feel alive
I know I must be doing (I know I must be doing)
Doing something right (Doing something right)

Doing something right
Yeah yeah
Something right

So if you need me
And baby I make you feel alive
I know I must be doing (I know I must be doing)
Must be doing something right
Yeah yeah
Something right

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One - Cody Simpson

I'm so much more than Cody Simpson
I gotta a lot in me, gotta get it out
What have I gotta do to make you listen
So much more than just a sound (It's much more than just a sound)

Oh Oh Yeah,
This is exactly what I've been dreaming of
Oh Oh Yeah,
Can you believe in me, Seeing what I can see

All I need is One, One, One
All we need is One, One, One
All I need is One, One, One
All we need is One, One, One

It's my dream, my home, my life, my soul
My dance, my song, my love, lives on

I'm beginning to imagine (beginning to believe)
What am I really trying to say?
I want to change the world we live in
And make tomorrow a better day

I wanna feel the whole wide world just dancing to one rhythm
I wanna feel the whole wide world just singing to one song

All I need is One, One, One
All we need is One, One, One
All I need is One, One, One
All we need is One, One, One

It's my dream, my home, my life, my soul
My dance, my song, my love, lives on

If I could fit the world in my pocket
Take a hidden dream and unlock
We'd all be flyin' in one rocket
It's my dream and no one can stop it

All I need is One, One, One
All we need is One, One, One
All I need is One, One, One
All we need is One, One, One

It's my dream, my home, my life, my soul
My dance, my song, my love, lives on

(Can you hear it?) (Can you hear it?)

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It's me! -__-

here's some pictures of me. if you dont like it or if you want to vomiting because of it, im so sorry...... yeah this is me, the ugly me.

haaaah... its too bad -__-

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Manti's birthday!

yaaaaap it was Manti's birthday on February 15th 2011. hahahaha itu tuh yaaaa hari terkoplak sedunia tau ga sih.... jadi tuh itu hari ulang tahun manti, salah satu sahabat gua gitu. naaaah jadi 2 hari sebelumnya, gua, azkia, milla, izza, khansa tuh udah punya rencana buat patungan beli kue tart + pengen ngerjain dia di hari minggu. karena minggu itu (tanggal 15) manti udah janji mau traktir kita berlima di Mcd Padjajaran! hahaha aseeeek~~~

sip. kue udah beres semua, balon, lilin, kado, topi ulang tahun, lengkap. kita janjian sama manti di selot sekitar jam 10an. tapi, kita berlima (tanpa manti) udah dateng jam setengah 10 buat nyiapin semua dan siapin mental buat nahan ketawa pas marah-marahin dia. karena ya...... gua harus jujur, si manti kadang mukanya bikin ngakak! wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk *lanjut

udah tuh yaa jam udah nunjukkin waktu 9.45 dan....... manti dateng kelewat cepet! mau alesan apa coba marahinnya? masa "eh lu sadar ga? lu tuh telat dateng!" kan ga lucu................

eeeeh ternyata yang lain udah pada keok kaga kuat iman. apalagi si azkia noooh malah kaga ikut marah-marah lu teh, malah ngakak di tempat kue. yang ikut marah-marahin cuma gua, milla, izza. segitu si izza juga cuma diem aja nahan ngakak kali yak wkwkwk

akhirnya si manti bilang gini "alaaah apaan sih basi" "........................." yaudah akhirnya gua ga ngomong apa-apa lagi dah langsung aja gua banjur pake terigu jadi putih kabeh dah tuh anak HAHAHAHA akhirnya baru si azkia sama khansa dateng bawa kue sambil ngakak-ngakak xDDDD

yaudaaah abis itu kita took some pictures buat ngeabadiin ultah manti di selot. here they are..........

hahahahahahahahaha LOL banget ngeliatnya xDD

abis itu, kita langsung ngerjain makalah ips di rumah azkia, tepatnya di Ciawi-Bogor. gua sih udah 2 kali kesini. disini enak banget deh, tempatnya masih suasana desa gitu ada kebonya, serasa pulang kampung deh pokoknya seru banget adem lagi haha. ngomongnya sih ngerjain makalah, tapi nyampe sana beuuuuuh cuma cerita-cerita, ngakak-ngakak, makan-makan dll. akhirnya makalah dikerjain di rumah masing-masing hahahahaha aduuuuuuuuuuh betapa koplaknya :D

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Langkah-langkah Membuat Blog :D

halo semua........ mungkin ini jadi postingan kedua gua setelah postingan yang pertama GAGAL dooong! dan begonya ga gua copy dulu. jadi bikin lagi dehh SEMANGAAAT ┐(‾‾┐) (┌‾‾)┌ 

jadi tuh ini tugas TIK dari sekolah. disuruh bikin cara cara membuat blog. dan gua muaaaleees banget ngerjainnya. jadi.......gua baru ngerjain sekarang. tapi gua tetep ikhlas kok :D *okecurcol sip deh daripada gua kelamaan ngebacot let we cekidot!

1. jadi yang harus kita punya kalo mau bikin blog adalah email. hahahaha ya iyalaaah. mending bikin emailnya dari google aja di http://mail.google.com. bukan promosi, tapi google dan blogger tuh dari perusahaan yang sama. jadi biar lebih gampang getoooo......... *okelanjut
2. nah jika kita sudah memiliki email *wedan langsung aja sign up di http://www.blogger.com. dan klik 'Get started' atau 'Memulai'. 
3. nah setelah itu 'Ciptakan sebuah Akun Google'. disini kita harus ngelengkapin data-data biasa laah kaya email, password, nama tampilan, tanggal lahir, verifikasi kata, dll. disini kita ngisinya harus lengkap. karena kalo ga lengkap, kita ga akan bisa lanjut ke halaman berikutnya. terus juga mesti bener, seperti password kadang kita suka salah nulis. pelan-pelan aja bikinnya, biar semuanya perfek *apasih. setelah itu klik 'lanjutkan'
4. selanjutnya 'Beri nama blog Anda'. disini kita mesti nulis judul blog kita dan URLnya. contoh: http://sashanadhila.blogspot.com. dan.........lagi-lagi ngisi verifikasi kata! setelah itu klik 'lanjutkan'....
5. lalu 'Pilih template awal'. disini kita pilih template blog kita untuk awal-awal. tenaaang template ini bisa diganti-ganti kok sesuka hati kita. oh iyaa gua punya usul nih buat templates yang lucu-lucu banget di btemplates.com.. dijamin bingung milihnya! abis itu klik 'lanjutkan' deui.......
6. tadaaaaaa................ 'Blog Anda sudah jadi!' hahahaha jadi deeeeh kalo kita mau langsung posting, klik aja 'Mulai blogging'. terus langsung deeeh posting apa aja. kalo udah, klik 'Terbitkan entri' haha selsaaaaai *sakali.

nah segitu aja tugas tik dari gua tentang Langkah-langkah membuat Blog. semoga aja berguna buat yang membutuhkan dan dapet nilai yang memuaskan dari pak rahmat aaamiiin. makasih yaa yang udah baca. wassalam! *udahkayanulisbuass -__-

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Tugas Bikin Blog

alhamdulillaaaaah setelah memakan waktu sekitar 3 setengah jam di lebih di warnet, akhirnya gua bisa selsai bikin tugas tik. HAHAHA!
gua tuh sebenarnya udah tau lama kalo ada tugas tik suruh bikin blog abis itu domain-nya diubah jadi co.cc, terus bikin favicon, ganti template + hilangkan navbar. tapi gua ga ngerti tentang itu semua dan bentar lagi mau UKK. makanya gua ngeremin banget. eeeh 5 hari sebelum UKK baru kerasa ribetnya bikin semua itu. dan........ gua ngabisin duit 7500 rupiah buat semua itu *okeinigapenting
oh iyaaa tapi untungnya, gua mengalami semua ini ga sendirian, gua juga dibantu sama temen temen gua yang hebat-hebat! apalagi ada masternya nih si manti hahaha jadi tenang laaaah. mereka juga bikin blog di komputer masing-masing berdua-dua. dan gua berdua sama azkia. kebayang kan apa jadinya. sepanjang "perjalanan" gua gaaa berhenti ngakak!
oke cukup sekian terima kasih bapak rahmat mulyadin spd atas semua tugasnya, alhamdulillah saya sudah selsaikan dan jujur aja saya kapok pak. hehehe tapi yaa cukup tau laah tentang cara-cara bikin semua itu dan banyak juga ilmu yang didapet tapi..........keringat yang bercucuran juga banyak, karena warnetnya ga AC dan dibuat dari ekstrak bau KUE-teks........hahahahahahahahahaha

oh iyaa makasih jugaa buat azkia, manti, khansa, izza, milla. tanpa kalian, blog gua ga akan jadi kaya gini. LOVE YOU ALL!


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